FTA Expertise

Matthew A. Adler, PhD
Dr. Matthew A. Adler was hired by LTI in 2017 and is currently Director of Fracture Technology Associates (FTA).
With his PhD in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University in 2009 specializing in fatigue crack growth, Dr. Adler has over 15 years of hands-on experience in experimental fatigue and fracture using FTA software-controlled systems. His graduate dissertation at Lehigh University was under Bob Wei, who was one of the pioneering colleagues that worked with Paul Paris at Lehigh in the 1960s, and is best known for his work in the multidisciplinary field of hydrogen embrittlement. Dr. Adler's graduate dissertation was empirically based and utilized FTA test systems for fatigue crack growth characterization for variable-amplitude fatigue crack growth testing for aluminum 7075-T651 with emphasis on damage prognosis systems for aging aircraft.
Dr. Adler's professional career includes two years as the Director of Advanced Fracture Mechanics at a large-scale production materials testing lab in western Pennsylvania. He also spent eight years as a Damage Tolerance subject matter expert with Jacobs Engineering at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama.
While at MSFC, Dr. Adler supported fracture control requirements for NASA manned spacecraft hardware as directly related to structural integrity, durability, and reliability. This included the design allowables efforts and failure analyses for the Space Launch System (SLS) and the Space Shuttle. This also included design of critical sustained (da/dt) load crack growth tests using FTA in high-pressure gaseous hydrogen after the failure of a poppet valve in the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) that occurred on Endeavor flight STS-126. He earned the NASA MSFC 2010 Software of the Year Award for Surface Crack Potential Difference software he developed for performing surface crack fatigue crack growth testing using DC Potential Difference System with FTA.
Dr. Adler served as an aerospace manager with Jacobs Engineering for a number of diverse scientific and engineering teams, including teams in Optics & Imaging, Terrestrial Environments, Meteoroid Environments, Space Environments, Contamination Control, In-Space Manufacturing, Materials Test, and Gamma-Ray Astrophysics.
Dr. Adler has been an active leader within the ASTM E08 Committee on Fatigue and Fracture since 2008, including serving as committee chairperson for task group E08.06.02 on Environmentally Assisted Fatigue and E08.03.05 on Data Analysis Methods and providing key contributions to the Slope Determination by Analysis of Residuals (SDAR) methodology which developed into ASTM Standard Practice E3076.
Selected Publications
- Adler, Matthew A., “Constant-Amplitude Versus K-Control in Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Testing,” Application of Automation Technology in Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Analysis, STP 1571, Peter C. McKeighan, Ed., pp. 1–17, doi:10.1520/STP157120130115, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA
- S. M. Graham and M. A. Adler, Determining the Slope and Quality of Fit for the Linear Portion of a Test Record, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 39, No. 2, March 2011
Selected Presentations
- Fatigue Training for Auditors, October 2019, NADCAP Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
- Crack Growth Rate Testing: K-Control Versus Constant-Load, May 2013, ASTM Symposium on Automation in Fatigue and Fracture, Indianapolis, IN
- E399 Data Analysis Round Robin – Revisited, May 2012, E08.07.01 Task Group, ASTM E08 Committee, Tampa Bay, FL
- MSFC NASFLA Tabular da/dN Interpolation Experience, NASGRO Interagency Working Group Meeting, May 24 – 25, 2011, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX
Awards & Honors
- NASA Flight Safety Award (2011)
- NASA Inventions & Contributions Board Space Act Award (2011)
- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Software of the Year Award (2010)
- NASA GSRP Fellow (2007 - 2008)
- NSF IGERT Fellow (2004 - 2007)

Roy Bleakley
Roy Bleakley, Engineering Manager, is an expert in electrical circuit design and mechatronics, having spent much of his career specializing in embedded control system design.
Roy joined FTA full-time in April 2022 via TACTIC, a manufacturer of large-scale ultrasonic test systems that was purchased by LTI in 2018. At TACTIC he was responsible for the design and manufacturing of high-end ultrasonic inspection systems used worldwide for non-destructive evaluation of tube and bar, primarily for critical applications including aerospace, medical, and nuclear industries.
While trained in electronics engineering, he has more than four decades of hands-on experience in designing and building large-scale, automated material handling systems for ultrasonic non-destructive testing. Roy has expertise in the design of mechanical, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems, as well as control systems and related automation software. Specific expertise that is invaluable to FTA includes electrical noise, amplifier design, PID feedback control, and electronics manufacturing. With this unique skillset, Roy started at FTA in 2021 to help with the development of the next-generation FTA fracture mechanics testing and DCPD systems.
Roy’s passion, sense of urgency, and attention to detail, in addition to his subject matter expertise, make him an invaluable resource to FTA.
Highlighted Embedded Control Experience
- TACTIC Model 1088A Test Parameter Indicator and Marker-Sorter Controller
- Digital Load Cell
- Circuit Breaker Contact Assembly Machine
- Ultrasonic Cleaning Generator
- Military Grade Telescope
- Industrial Exhaust Stack Emissions Gas Mass Spectrometer