Fatigue Crack Growth (FCGR)

Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (ASTM E647)
The FCGR software was designed specifically for fatigue crack growth testing and analysis. Both steady-state (K-control and load control) and variable-amplitude (e.g., flight spectrum, dwell, etc.) applications are available.
The firmware running on the ADwin includes high-priority processes for waveform generation, control and data acquisition. PC software that integrates with the ADwin in real time performs the analysis required to determine crack length, crack closure levels, K-control and da/dN analysis.

Software Features
- Constant-amplitude and variable-amplitude, e.g., flight spectrum testing
- Threshold testing (Region I) and upper-end testing (Paris and Region III)
- Load control and K-control
- Constant Kmax testing
- Dwell testing and custom user-defined waveforms
- Compliance and DC potential difference (PD) methods of monitoring crack length
- Up to 8 channels of simultaneous crack growth measurement
- The ability to use a reference PD specimen
- Standard geometries including C(T), M(T), SEN(T), SEN(B), and Kb Bar
- User-defined K lookup and PD lookup tables
- Precise force control
- High-precision 16-bit data acquisition
- Visualization of Load Scan, Load-Displacement, and Load-DCPD graphical displays
- Optimized FTA command-feedback tuning parameters for variable amplitude testing
- Online damage parameter determination for characterizing command-feedback response
- Soft run-stop to minimize the effect of test interruptions
- Crack closure measurement using ASTM opening load
- Adjusted compliance ratio “ACR” integration
- Sine or triangle standard waveforms
- User-defined test frequency via full function generator
- Digital filtering and load-displacement phase shift control
- Data acquisition and analysis optimized according to crack growth rates
- Actual maximum load and cyclic load included in the analysis file for each data point
- Versatile analysis software
- Automated testing via a Matrix utility
- Custom applications
- Run-stop detection from test controller
- Ability to resume testing in the event of a PC crash
- Support of English and SI units